Chakras are energy centers in your body. Sound healing uses different sounds to work on these chakras. It can help restore the natural balance of your chakras. You can Bija mantras when looking for peace in life. Powerful sounds of Bija mantras can help awaken hidden power of chakras and balance your life.

  • Using sound healing for balancing chakras

Sounds like singing bowls or your own voice can be used for balancing chakras. Bija mantras can improve your overall wellbeing by balancing your energy. Believe it or not, sound healing makes the most Bija mantras powerful.

By saying or meditating with these mantras, you can balance your chakras and boost your health. Sound healing and chakras balance can bring tranquility to your stormy life. From ancient time in India, Yogis are using Bija mantras to balance their chakras and keeping their mind in balance.

  • Utilizing chakra frequencies for peace

Each chakra in your body has its own pitch. Here's a quick guide to the chakra frequencies for each chakra that you can easily use with sound healing.

  • Root Chakra: 256 Hz - For stability and grounding.
  • Sacral Chakra: 288 Hz - Linked to originality and love sentiments.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: 320 Hz - Controls personal power.
  • Heart Chakra: 341.3 Hz - Related to love and compassion.
  • Throat Chakra: 384 Hz - Tied to communication and expression.
  • Third Eye Chakra: 426.7 Hz - For insight and intuition.
  • Crown Chakra: 480 Hz - Connects to higher consciousness.
  • Benefits of sound healing on chakras

Sound healing isn't only a popular health trend; it truly helps you fix your chakras. This is how the benefits of sound healing on chakras can redirect your life and give you total control over chakras:

  • Clears blockages: Often, sound healing is done to help take out energy blockages. Sound healing makes your chakras work at their best.
  • Balancing feelings: When you align your chakras, sound healing can help you with handling stress and imbalance of feelings.
  • Makes physical health better: Keeping your body, heart, and spirit in balance helps your health all around.
  • Chakras and their Bija mantras

Bija mantras are similar to secret codes for the chakra, which is like a special frequency for each energy spot. Saying these Bija mantras during sound healing can assist you in aligning with the unique vibration of every chakra. Here are 7 Bija mantras you can use for balancing your chakras:

  • Stimulating Root Chakra

The root chakra brings firmness in life. The Bija mantra “LAM” helps to make this base stronger, giving you a feeling of safety and connection.

  • Stimulating Sacral Chakra

If the sacral chakra is not balanced properly, you might feel guilty or stuck in ideas. Saying “VAM” can assist you in unlocking your imaginative power and controlling your feelings well. When your life is ruined by any guilt, you can stimulate this chakra to find freedom.

  • Stimulating Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is the place where your inner power and authority to move life in a direction comes from. Saying “RAM” in the uncertain world helps you feel strong and take back control of your life, you can use it when you feel weak.

  • Stimulating Heart Chakra

Old sound healers in India call it "heart chakra," is the place for love and kindness feelings. If not balanced, it could cause problems in relationships or loneliness feelings. The mantra “YAM” helps to open up your heart, encouraging love and emotional healing.

  • Stimulating Throat Chakra

Vishuddha, also known as the throat chakra, is in charge of talking and sharing your inner feelings. If you have trouble expressing yourself or there are often mix-ups in communication, it might mean something is not balanced. Chanting “HAM” when sound healing therapy going on can enhance your ability to communicate with others effectively.

  • Stimulating Third Eye Chakra

Stimulating the third eye chakra improve your inner knowledge. If you find yourself not linked to your inner knowledge, saying “OM” can aid you in connecting with your intuitive skills and getting clear.

  • Stimulating Crown Chakra

Sahasrara, also called by old healers "crown chakra," is the link to more spiritual mind and awareness. If there is a balance problem, it might leave you feeling apart from your spiritual self. Using the mantra “AH” helps align you with universal energy and spiritual enlightenment.

Adding Bija mantras to sound healing instruments available at Brooklyn Healing Arts can lead to a big transformation. When you know the frequencies and benefits of each chakra, you can use these old sounds to balance your energy points and improve your health.

If you're looking to turn your life in a direction where peace matters the most, then the Bija mantras are an excellent tool to help you have a harmonious life.